“Where you look affects how you feel.”
Dr. David Grand
What is Brainspotting?
Brainspotting is a mindfulness-based treatment modality created by Dr. David Grand. It helps people process and resolve emotional and psychological challenges by accessing and releasing stored trauma or distress in the brain and body. It is based on the idea, “where you look affects how you feel;” during sessions, fixed eye positions called “brainspots” are identified and act as access points to the brain’s deeper emotional and physical systems. By processing mindfully, and with careful attunement between the client and practitioner, unresolved experiences and/or emotions can be reprocessed and discharged from the client’s nervous system. Brainspotting is highly effective for trauma, anxiety, and performance blocks, and is a powerful took for emotional release. This approach leverages the mind-body connection to help regulate the nervous system, reducing the emotional intensity or "charge" associated with distressing memories, events, and emotions.
You can learn more about this approach here.